Thursday, May 27, 2010


Hey everybody!!!
It's been a long long time that i don't update my blog! So now I'm gonna tell u few things that happened in the last couple weeks! So, my since my last post...

- I met Tami & Shinji!! I had a great time with them!

I went to their home n then they took me to dinner in a japanese restaurant! We had Chabu Chabu! Hmmm!

Well, then i went into a trip to NYC n met some friends from Brazil there!
We spent ten days in the East Coast! First NYC, then Boston, Washington DC and Philadelphia! I really enjoyed this trip! Was kinda tiring, but that's ok! We do should do this things while we're young! =D


MoMa - The Museum of Modern Art

Empire State Building - View from the top (Nice!)

Brooklyn Bridge

Chinatown - Good and cheap food!! =D

I met Tanya! My friend from Chile!

I met Ling, my friend from Hong Kong! She's studying here in LA...

Museum of Natural History

Times Square

Central Park

Liberty Statue

- Boston

Public Garden of Boston

MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Our best hostel! hehe!

- Washington DC

Reflecting Pool

Washington Memorial

National World War II Memorial


White House

Lincoln Memorial

US Botanic Garden

National Air and Space Museum

- Philadelphia

Independence Hall

I met Priscila!


Well, that's it for a while! I still have some pics to upload but I'm gonna do it tomorrow. This trip was such amazing! It's a gift from God! And from mom n dad! Thanks for everything!!! =D Blessings!


  1. Tercinho!!
    Realmente, as fotos ficaram mtooo boas!!
    E, q bom q deu pra encontrar mta gte!!
    Hmm... chabu chabu no friozinho eh mto bom ne?!
    Nossa!! Adorei o parque cheio de tulipas!! Deve ser mto bonito!!! Fora as fotos das flores e plantas...
    Hahah... e o Yoda continua passeando bastante ne!! hahah
    Mto mto bom!! Continue enjoying takusan ai!! hehe

  2. Ahhh! Que legal! Você encontrou com a Tami! Que saudades dela meu!! E também visitou o meu memorial! UEAIHIEHIUHI! Coisa!!!

    Aeee! Da hora ver as suas fotos por aqui!!!

