Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hey folks!!!

I'm updating my blog! Just some new picutures!
Life here has been very good!! I'm doing some friends now...from school! =)
Well, last week we (my class mates n teacher) had a picnic!! It was very nice!

Teacher's son is so cute!! he is 2 yrs old i guess...

Last week I went to Venice Beach! The weather was so nice! I met a friend from Brazil!

Yesterday I visited Griffith Park with some College Students!
I had a really good time!!

Well, that's it!!

Abraço a todos!!


  1. AEeeee! Da hora! Cuti cuti o menininho!!!

    Tô vendo que tá aproveitando bastante aí heim?!

    Abração brother! estuda direitinho!!!

  2. TerciãoO!!

    Nossaa! Um piquinique com a classe!!! xD
    Isso me lembra da época em que eu estudava no jardim de infância!heuheue
    Aaii...Mas, que BOOOM que tem feito amizades meu!!^^ Fico MTO FELIZ por saber disso, viu?! =D

    Ai e esse menininho??

    Se cuida aí!
    Uma boa semana!
    Tô esperando, hein!? heuheu =p

  3. Tercinho!
    Here I am again!
    Sorry about the late comment!
    To ainda tentando me adaptar de volta ao Brasil, as pessoas, as coisas... Nao tem sido muito facil...
    Mas, que bom que li seu blog, e vejo que vc tem feito a lot of friends ai, e tem having fun a lot too!
    The boy is so cute!!!
    And, how is the studies? Are U working hard? Or having a lot of free time?!
    I hope that U are enjoying everything!!
    (Meu ingles tah pessimo!! Vc vai ter q me ensinar depois!!)
    Se cuida ae!
    Continuo por aki! Fica firme ai, e precisando de qque coisa, ja sabe!!
